The EOS Model
90 Minute Meeting
This is a meeting with your entire leadership team where Bill will dive into the tools he uses to help you get your team aligned and on the same page with where you are going and how you plan to get there.
Focus Day™
Hitting the Ceiling
We will learn the five leadership abilities™, that when mastered, will allow your company, your department, and you as a leader to break through any ceiling that is holding you back from getting everything you want from your business.
Accountability Chart
We will create structure and clarity around each key function in your company. This will be the tool we use to exponentially increase your team's ability to get Traction®
We will clarify the most important objectives that the leadership team needs to accomplish in the next 90 days.
Meeting Pulse™
How would you rate your internal company meetings on a scale of 1-10? We will share a meeting pulse and agenda to align a team and bring accountability and clarity to the entire organization.
What team wins without keeping score? Together we will create a scorecard for your team.
Vision Building™ Day
Once we have completed Focus Day™, we will begin the process of Vision Building™. Typically about 30 days after Focus Day™, we will meet to review the tools and begin answering the 8 Questions™ on the V/TO™ (Vision/ Traction Organizer)
Vision Building™ Day 2
About 30 days after Vision Building Day 1, we will complete the Vision/ Traction Organizer™. Your team will have a clear vision, with a clear plan, and they will be executing on that vision in about 60 days from starting the EOS® Process
Quarterly Pulsing™
We will meet for a full session day each quarter to address the following items.
Review Quarterly Results
Your numbers. Your Rocks. Your Success.
Make sure we are still aligned. Still know where we are going, and that we are confident we will execute on it.
EOS® Tools Deep Dive
We will take a deep dive into one of the EOS® tools each quarter of your journey to mastery.
Rock Setting
Reset your priorities for the next 90 days.
We will spend time solving issues through our issue track, IDS® (Identify, Discuss, Solve)
Annual Planning
We will spend two consecutive session days together, checking in on last years goals and numbers, and then getting on the same page for the next year, and creating a plan to execute on it.
The 2 Day Agenda
1. Review of annual goals and results
2. Team Health
3. Organizational Checkup™
4. S.W.O.T Analysis
5. 3-Year Picture™
6. 1-Year Plan and Departmental Plans
7. Quarterly Rocks
8. Facilitated Issues Solving
Helping leadership teams get more from their business!